The Veneto: a land of excellent wine and food

The Veneto is a region famous for its art and beautiful and varied landscapes, but is also famous for its excellent range of gourmet wine and food. Many popular events are organized throughout the year to enable tourists and locals alike to discover the ancient regional traditions and typical local produce that are bound forever to the Veneto’s history and culture.
The morphology of the region plays a decisive influence on the wine and food: typical dishes from the sea, mountains or lakes. A cuisine that stands out for its varied flavours and recipes, fully expressing the wealth and nature of the region.
There is a long complex list of excellent traditional dishes. To mention just a few: among first courses the much-loved risotto served in a wide variety of ways, famous with the Treviso red radicchio, and often using the Vialone Nano rice from Verona. Another typical regional pasta is bigoli, long rough pasta similar to spaghetti. Another evergreen in Veneto cuisine is polenta, typically served with osei (birds), but also to accompany meat and fish dishes. Of the main courses in the leading places for popularity there are the famous Venetian liver, sweet and sour sardines with onions, and the sophisticated Baccala Vicenza style. The Veneto is also the birthplace of two very famous desserts known around the world: Tiramisu and fluffy soft Pandoro So you can eat well in the Veneto, but you can drink even better!
The Veneto holds one of the leading spots in Europe for the quality and production of its wines, whose production history dates back centuries to the Roman era, when they already successfully managed to grow the vines.
The climate and varied landscape also play important parts, and combined with the ancient traditions and cutting edge production methods, the Veneto has managed to produce excellent and unique wines, including Prosecco, Recioto and Amarone.
The quality Veneto wines are not just appreciated in Italy though, they have gained acclaim on the international markets and are exported around the world. The regional wine panorama is very varied which is a further added value, as production includes many varieties: red, white, spumante and niche wines that are highly sought after by enthusiasts and collectors. Different types but all joined by the common denominator of the profound bond with their origins.
To discover the region’s food and wine together with the beautiful landscapes and cultural sites is a unique experience. The region has organized the Wine Roads and other roads of typical produce, wine and food itineraries to travel along and visit the wine cellars and farms where you can sample and buy the typical local products.
So apart from its undisputed natural beauty the Veneto can boast of top quality cuisine and excellent wines: a rich land of traditions that has known how to conserve all its traditional perfumes and flavours.
Federico Iustini

The Veneto: a land of excellent wine and food